About Us

MentorED is a Charitable Trust operating in Palmerston North and Shannon. We believe that advocating for and mentoring children who are facing adversity can lift school engagement. We aim to boost confidence and wellbeing in order to help children navigate the challenges of life.

We have volunteers and a trained therapy dog working with children aged 6 - 13 years.

Our Team

  • Rocco


    Rocco has worked for MentorED Ngā Whakaruruhau Mātauranga since 2019. Originally from Tauranga, Rocco now calls Palmerston North home. He loves river walks, listening to kids reading, and rummaging for tissues in rubbish bins.

  • David Hayman


    Along with Jon and Mercedes, Dave is a co-founder and board member for MentorED Ngā Whakaruruhau Mātauranga. David is a Professor of Infectious Disease Ecology but has learned a great deal about young people in Aotearoa as a foster carer in Palmerston North. As the Dad of two boys he has also been involved with various schools both here and in the UK and the US with a previous governance role in the UK.

  • Sara Finlayson


    Ko Tainui te waka Ko Manawatū te awa Ko Tararua te pae maunga Ko Ngāti Tūranga te hapū Ko Ngāti Raukawa te iwi Ko Paranui te marae Ko Sara Finlayson toku ingoa.

    Kia ora my name is Sara. I’m a recently graduated teacher and love that I have the opportunity to bring everything I’ve learned through MentorED Ngā Whakaruruhau Mātauranga, into my classroom. I believe that all tamariki deserve to feel that they matter and that their thoughts, feelings and opinions are worthy and valued. This is where MentorEd truly shines. The support that our mentors give tamariki is priceless.

  • Jon Spencer


    A former teacher, Jon moved to the Manawatū in 2010. Jon volunteers his time to various organisations in Palmerston North and has been on the board since the beginning of MentorED Ngā Whakaruruhau Mātauranga.

  • Mercedes Strutt


    Mercedes is the driving force of MentorED Ngā Whakaruruhau Mātauranga. Originally from the UK, Mercedes now enjoys life in the Manawatū. She is the primary handler for Rocco the Therapy Dog and loves working with the tamariki and community of Palmerston North.

  • Fiona Cain


    Fiona has worked at various NGOs in Palmerston North since arriving in the Manawatū in 2016, including being Programme Coordinator at MentorED Ngā Whakaruruhau. After moving on from her role with MentorED she’s grateful to still be involved with the amazing mahi by being on the board.


“The non-judgmental way the mentors interact with our students, taking the necessary time needed to build a relationship. The willingness to be flexible and to always keep us informed of how things are going. Keeping us informed of any Professional Development that may be beneficial to us as a school. There are not really enough words to express how grateful we are for the support of MentorED.”

— School feedback