Rocco the Therapy Dog

Rocco is our labradoodle and he joined the team in April 2019. Trained by NZ Therapy Dogs, he has become our most requested volunteer. The gentle temperament of the labradoodle and their hypo-allergenic coat means they make good Therapy Dogs. Rocco visits schools every week and students enjoy the opportunity to sit and read to him. His presence is very calming and stroking his coat is an effective sensory activity. Rocco time provides many opportunities for discussion. We also use Rocco to talk about our emotions well as how to interact safely with and care for dogs or other animals in the home.

“Grace would look forward to […] the day she would see Rocco at school. This was definitely the highlight of the week. Grace has gone from a girl that was unable to speak to reading aloud to Rocco and chatting to [MentorED volunteers]. This regular communication practice in a safe space gave Grace confidence to bring her words into her classroom, something she had been unable to do previously - this was life changing. Because the anxiety reduced, she was then able to learn and was settled.”

- Parent feedback, name changed for anonymity